Sydney Harbour at sunrise + smoke filled skies

Last night I was about to sit down and post a small series of shots from my recent visit to Cambridge when I decided to have a cup of tea and biscuit. I sat on the lounge, consumed my hot beverage and then… promptly fell asleep. I woke up at 5am and rather than drag…

Big Ben and the London Eye, UK

A couple of weeks ago I got back from a short business trip to the UK and Paris. I had been asked to present at a conference in Cambridge so it was really nice to have had the opportunity to go over. It had been 17 years since I had last visited those shores and…

Notre Dame, Paris

Two days ago I arrived back to Australia after a 10 trip to the UK and Paris. Granted the first half was devoted to a conference I was presenting at in Cambridge, but the final 5 days saw me take in the sights of Paris. So, whilst battling a little jet-lag, I’ve been going through…

Holiday Road: Moody sunset over Banff

Following from the previous post, the photo’s in this set were taken as we drove back into town from Lake Minnewanke. I took these from a little viewing area beside the road along the Lake Minnewanka Scenic Drive just as the sun was setting. I remember juggling lenses and running back and forth between two…

Holiday road: Banff – Lake Minnewanka

Ever felt like you’re behind the eight-ball and struggling to get ahead? Yep? Well that’s how I’ve felt for most of this year. My time has been pulled every-which-way and unfortunately, I fear,  this little blog has suffered a bit. Don’t get me wrong, its not been all bad; I’ve been working on some really…

Turon Gates, Capertree, Blue Mountains: A weekend getaway

Last week was the final week of school holidays so we packed up our gear and went camping. Well maybe not camping per se, it was more like ‘glamping’. Initially we had had every intention of going out and pitching tents but the day before we left we were inundated with torrential rain. Considering the…

Bronte sunrise: End of daylight savings time

This morning was the last day of daylight savings time here in Sydney, Australia. What better excuse to go back down to my favourite city beach and take some photo’s! You see, from tomorrow, our clocks will get put back an hour which means that I’ll have to get up an hour earlier to witness…

Holiday road: Lake Moraine, Banff National Park, Canada

Where has March gone? Between work and photo assignments, I’ve barely had time to scratch myself. As they say; when it rain’s, it pours! Enough of the whinge. Today’s post sees a return to some of the snaps I took when were on holidays in Canada a few months ago. These photo’s are from Lake…

Bronte beach: Storm tossed sunrise

Last weekend, I headed down to Bronte beach again to shoot a squally high-tide at dawn. Sydney had been doused in rain and the sea’s had been whipped up by a dissipating storm cell further north. This resulted in wide-spread beach closures and coastal warnings all along the eastern seaboard. I confess its quite a…

Sunrise: Balmoral pier, Sydney

Hey guys, this is just a quickie post for a lazy Sunday. I was up early this morning and what better way to usher in the new day than to take some dawn photo’s! Sunrise shots are always nice to take when it’s a balmy 24C (75F) and the morning activity of dog walkers, joggers…

Holiday road: The beauty of Lake Louise, Banff Canada (part II)

Here’s a few more photo’s from the morning we spent at Lake Louise, Banff. I just love this place! So glad the weather and skies were good to us; as my fellow blogging friend Mike Moruzi pointed out in his comment in the previous post; mountain weather can be notoriously unreliable. By the sounds of…

Holiday road: Stunning Lake Louise, Banff Canada

Originally, when we booked our tickets from Australia, we were going to fly from New York to Vancouver, Cananda, where we were going to spend the last leg of our trip spread between the city and Whistler. At the time, I figured Whistler would be just as gorgeous (albeit different) to Banff – “mountains are…

New Years Day sunrise at Bronte

Hi everyone! After two and half hours fitful sleep my alarm heralded the dawning of the new day at 4.55am. I was very excited to head back down to Bronte this year because the weather and tide reports all suggested a glorious sunrise to welcome in 2013. Unfortunately, whilst it was a pleasant 21C (70F)…

Holiday road: Bixby Bridge and the Big Sur coastline, California

We had been so looking forward to driving the coast road along Highway 1 that it was a little disappointing to wake and find the day was cold, heavily overcast and drizzly. I can imagine how glorious the Pacific ocean would of looked had it been bathed in sunlight, sparkling under clear blue skies with…

Holiday road: From Yosemite to Carmel

After winding up our 3 day excursion to Yosemite, we started the next leg of our foray into California – the west coast road trip. We hadn’t really organised anything for this part of the holiday preferring to see where the road would take us. Being an Apple Inc. tragic (since 1980), I had hopes…

Holiday road: Yosemite – odds and ends

Obviously, Yosemite‘s treasure trove of sights isn’t just limited to its huge granite monoliths – there’s plenty of other things to see around the valley floor. Easily accessible by car, you can drive around to a number of the different viewpoints and snap away with your camera or just soak up her peaceful ambiance. As I…

Holiday road: Yosemite-Tunnel view at 4 different times of the day

Tunnel View is THE classic vantage point for Yosemite Valley. Immortalised by Ansell Adams, this panoramic vista yields extraordinary views of El Capitan on the left, Sentinel Rock and Half Dome in the centre, and Cathedral Rocks and Bridalveil Fall on the right. It is an absolutely stonking and breathtaking sight to behold! This series…

Holiday road: Yosemite-Mariposa Grove & El Capitan

On the second day of our stay in Yosemite, we decided to drive down to Mariposa Grove which was about 45 minutes away from Yosemite village. Mariposa Grove has the oldest living Sequoia trees some of which are estimated to be in excess of 2000 years. These suckers were enormous! They are not the tallest…

Holiday road: Stunning Yosemite-views from the valley floor

After our all too brief stay in San Fran, we hired a car and drove onto the next leg of our trip – Yosemite. It was a little hair-raising negotiating our way out of downtown SF in a car whose steering wheel was located on the left-hand side of the vehicle and then drive confidently…

Holiday road: San Francisco to Sausalito bike ride

Well, its been one week since we’ve been back from our month long trip to the US and Canada and, if you’ll forgive me, in the coming posts I’m going to share with you some of our holiday travel snaps. For too long I have lived vicariously through the pictures of others’; now its my…