
Thanks so much for passing through! If you’ve made it this far, please hover over the Gallery link in the tab bar above and select one of the galleries from the drop-down menu. I’m still getting my head around using WordPress as a blogging platform so you’ll have to excuse all the ‘wrinkles’.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Distan, you have some very strong images on your blog and I look forward to seeing more of your work.


    1. Distan Bach says:

      Thank you so much, Mark. Your praise is very humbling.

      Appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to comment as well. Too kind.


  2. David says:

    Hi Distan

    Love your work.

    I would be interested in purchasing the right to use one of your images to put on our website. Could you email me your contact details?


    1. Distan Bach says:

      Thank you David, that’s very nice of you. Will contact you shortly.


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