Maternity and newborn shoot: Adam, Eve + Olivier

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Adam + Eve

A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of doing a maternity shoot with the gorgeous Adam and Eve. We’d tried a couple of times to get together in the preceding weeks but every date we arranged the weather conspired against us. On both of those occasions, Sydney turned on days which were near 40C (104F) and capped off the afternoon’s with wild and gusty rain storms. Three times a charm though. A week before Eve was expected to deliver we tried again on a balmy summer’s afternoon by the banks of Lane Cove river. It was a beautiful session filled with laughter and love and we captured some moments Adam and Eve will be able cherish forever.

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After an hour of shooting in the setting sun, we headed back to the privacy of their place to create some lovely black and white images.

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A couple of day’s after these were taken, Eve went into labour – 5 day’s earlier than expected! How lucky were we to be able to capture these moments when we did? I guess it was just meant to be!

Introducing baby Olivier

Adam invited me over a few days ago to see mum and their little treasure, baby Olivier. Naturally, I brought along the camera so I could add some photo’s to the maternity images which they still hadn’t seen.

Olivier is one lucky little fellow. With loving parents who have patience, serenity and an attitude that both embraces and celebrates everything in life, Olivier is in great hands.

Congratulations guys and thank you for letting me share this special time with you. You’re the best!



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And finally, a before-and-after shot of Eve:

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If you’d prefer to see these images in the carousel viewer, click on an image below to open the gallery.

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Wonderful and tender images Distan.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Distan Bach says:

      Thanks so much, James. Merry Christmas to you and family too. I hope you have a lovely day.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. settleandchase says:

    Warm and beautiful images!


    1. Distan Bach says:

      Thank you so much! Sorry for missing your comment and taking so long to reply. Much appreciated.


  3. Elina says:

    Beautiful! Love the close ups of baby and the black and white of mum and dad.


    1. Distan Bach says:

      Hi Elina, thank you very much indeed. I’ve never found it very easy to post-process B&W images but I was happy with where I got to with these. Mum and dad very happy too, and that of course made me happy.
      Appreciate you taking the time to stop by and comment too.


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